0631907106 info@devinus.nl


The most important relationship is with your Self, however your partner is your mirror!!!



Relationship Therapy DEVINUS

In the beginning of a relationship, you feel in love and everything is still rosy. You feel special, unique, perfect, beautiful, worthwhile, loved, special etc. And by the way...... all this you are!

But did you think of yourself this way beforehand? Before your relationship, did you experience self-esteem, self-confidence, respect and love for yourself? Many times you don't and the other person has awakened something in you that gave you a wonderful, nice feeling and that you longed for.

After some beautiful happy years, your relationship becomes 'ordinary' and the first quarrels, irritations and questioning occur. You then enter a new phase of your relationship in which it is important to accept each other with both the 'beautiful' and 'less beautiful' sides. Usually this does not work out and you try to mold the other as you think the other should look, the other should do, what they can and cannot say etc. High expectations, judgments and personal assumptions arise. You push on each other's pain spots without even realizing it.


This often has to do with unresolved pains from childhood, from your past. You have not really loved and accepted yourself, which also makes it difficult to accept the other person exactly as they are. In fact, if you are critical of yourself, do not feel good enough, always set the bar high because you are insecure, experience lack of self-confidence and feelings of inferiority, or want to control everything, you unconsciously project this onto the other person. You don't want to feel your own insecurities and fears. You focus mostly on what is not good about the other person, and make all kinds of conditions and demands and have all kinds of expectations towards the other person.

You are not acknowledging who you really are and have unconsciously sought acceptance, appreciation, love and respect from the other person. Unconsciously you are saying to the other person, "Give me what I cannot give myself. See me, hear me, find me important, beautiful, acknowledge me, and so on. You unconsciously project your unprocessed pains onto your partner and/or others in hopes of being heard, seen and loved unconditionally. Hoping to get that which you have missed so much.

However, the other cannot give you this, cannot fulfill this, for it will never be enough. And if the other does give it to you, it will only be temporary, because you cannot really receive it. You always want more and more and more. It becomes for your partner "a Hell of a job" as they nicely say.


Look straight into the eyes of your own shortcomings so that they cease to exist !

You will have to give it to yourself! And then you can also receive and your relationship will become a beautiful complement and equal instead of filling and unequal. Then there Is room to be your Self instead of feeling entrapment or limitations and having to adapt or eliminate yourself.


In a nutshell! Where are the most bottlenecks in a relationship?

  • Giving and receiving
  • Expectations and personal assumptions
  • Reject
  • Communications
  • Lack of self-confidence
  • Jealousy
  • Check
  • Dominance
  • Acknowledgement, respect, appreciation and wanting to be seen
  • Intimacy and sexuality

Do you recognize yourself in one or more items and have the desire to go deeper with each other. To grow together, to express your feelings and thoughts without expectations and to live in unconditional love! Do you feel the desire to give and receive from your Heart, without fear of being rejected or hurt?

DEVINUS offers you a track where you will take sessions together as well as individually. Why also individually? Because the relationship with the other begins with the relationship with yourself. You will have to purify your own self-image in order to feel your own love again and to give love from here.

DEVINUS couples therapy for partners


During the sessions we look at your blockages, limiting thoughts and patterns. Both in your personal life and in your relationship. We explore, feel and heal patterns in which you have become stuck. You learn to become lovingly aware of your own thoughts and feelings and that, in order to be happy, you do not have to meet conditions such as a love relationship, but that you can also feel it on your own. You don't need the other person to fill some kind of hole, because that hole is not there at all! You take responsibility for your own happiness and don't make it dependent on the other person. From here, you can really see each other again, really listen to each other and value the other person so they can be themselves.

Everyone has the right to be who they are. Recognition is an essential part of a good relationship!

You will be coached both individually and together so that afterwards both of you can come to new insights. These insights are necessary to restore the connections in yourself and thus be able to reconnect in the relationship. In the sessions of 1.5 hours each time, you learn what you can let go of in order to redesign your relationship from freedom.


The cost of this course totals 850 euros per couple. This includes:

  • Intake of 1 hour
  • 7 sessions of 1 hour
  • Evaluation à 1 hour

There is a possibility to pay in two installments, please contact DEVINUS for this.

It is of course also possible to follow separate sessions. The costs are then 85 euros for the intake and 120 euros per couple per session.

If you are touched or interested then please sign up using the registration form below and you will be contacted or you can call at 0631907106

Notice: It is a prerequisite that you are willing to take on the floor together!!!

There is nothing else we can do for you in this, unfortunately. Of course you can come and purify yourself in a personal program or sessions. See the coach-trajectory.

Relationship therapy at DEVINUS, relationship therapy

Enrollment in couples therapy

Costs for the couples therapy program


Relationship Therapy DEVINUS

DEVINUS also has a wonderful BOOK and MEDITATION CD On these topics!

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